Using Replay to document changes with pull requests makes it easier to review and accepts PRs faster. Record the updated application flow and use comments to highlight changed to the UI, application behavior, and even lines of code and network requests.


Start by recording the area(s) of your application impacted by the pull request. Depending on the scope of your PR, this may involve capturing a single component render or a more complex user flow.

<aside> 👉 Replay captures all code execution happening in the browser, not just the UI. This makes it a powerful tool for understanding changes that don’t just happen on the screen.


Check out the Recording a Replay guide for details.


After recording, explore the replay to identify the areas that have changed in the pull request.


Comments in Replay are linked to a point in time and one of the following:

Use comments to identify visual changes in the UI, diffs in lines of code, network requests and response bodies, or to add context for decision-making on why a change was made.
