
Because Replay’s recorder is a standalone browser, all you need to do to start recording your puppeteer tests is pass in the path to Replay’s fork of chromium.


const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
const { getExecutablePath } = require("@replayio/puppeteer");

(async () => {
	const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
		headless: false,
    /* Set the path to replay-chromium */
		executablePath: getExecutablePath("chromium"),
	const page = await browser.newPage();
	await page.goto("<>");
	await page.screenshot({ path: "replay.png" });

	await page.close();
	await browser.close();


Setting up Replay is as simple as downloading the browser, using it in your tests, and uploading the recordings.

  1. Install [@replayio/puppeteer](<>) with npm i @replayio/puppeteer in your project.
  2. Pass in the path to replay-chromium in the puppeteer.launch() call. See example above.
  3. Upload recordings with the npx @replayio/reply upload-all command. See more here.

<aside> 📌 Replay is up-to-date as of Puppeteer version 13.3.1. If you are using a newer version and run into a problem, please open a GitHub issue here to let us know!
