The Code Behind Our Code

Principles are fundamental, universal truths that transcend time, geography, culture, and context. Our principles are not aspirations. They are constraints. We adhere to them under all conditions.


Principles are meaningless without the integrity to uphold them; we view our integrity as our single most important principle. We do not sacrifice our principles for expediency or comfort.


We seek and tell the truth, even where those truths are painful or inconvenient. We abide by the spirit of the truth, not merely its letter. We do not hide falsehoods in language that is technically true or otherwise misleading.


We treat others with dignity: colleagues, customers, communities or competitors.

Embedded values

Our values anchor our aspirations and drive us forward.

We are making software development faster, more accessible, more inclusive, and more exciting. We are dedicated to building a world where everyone is technically literate, a world where we are better equipped to overcome the greatest of challenges.

Be open & curious

The best results come from combining different perspectives. Diversity is essential to achieve our goals, and we champion it at every turn. We are united in our mission and vision to make software more accessible and easier to understand. Every one of us is a lifetime learner, unafraid of learning new things – be it an intimidating new technology, or perplexing system behavior.

Greater than one

Our duties and responsibilities go beyond ourselves. We have a duty to each other and a responsibility to ensure we only take what we need. Don't use 1 GB where 128 MB will do. Don't work weekends, unless there's a truly pressing need. We don't merely fulfill our obligations but actively seek ways we can help. We all balance our professional and personal responsibilities, and we honor those who do the same.

Act with urgency. Work responsibly.