lets you record your browser tests in CI and debug them later with Browser DevTools. If you’ve ever struggled to understand why a test fails intermittently in CI, but passes when you run it locally, Replay can help.
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Replay for Test Suites was released in June as a beta so that we can help each team setup Replay and fix their flakes. If you’d like to start recording your tests, join our **waitlist** and we’ll reach out to you as soon as possible. Also feel free joining our Discord #testing channel or emailing us at [email protected].
Replay DevTools includes everything you need to retroactively debug your test with live print statements, the Cypress and Playwright Panel, and Browser DevTools.
The Test Suite Dashboard provides insights into your test suite. For example, you can see how many tests failed in a given run, or view the history of a specific test to see when it started failing.
The Test Suite Dashboard also serves as a launching off point. If you want to see why a recent change caused several tests to fail, you can go to the dashboard, and open each of the replays and begin debugging.