Replay is a new kind of browser that can record and deterministically replay web applications. It’s likely that Replay can help you and your team in one of three ways.

What is Replay?

When you open a replay, you’re inspecting a browser that’s running in the cloud exactly as it ran before. This sounds simple, but changes everything.

First, it means you can retroactively debug the application as if it’s running live. Want to know what the value of a variable was? You can add a print statement in Replay DevTools and the logs will be retroactively shown in the Console.

Second, it means you can debug with team members as if they’re sitting next to you. Want to know why a function was called with a particular value? At mention a team member in a comment, and when they open the replay, they’ll be paused at the same line of code.

Lastly, it means that you can start time travel debugging. Want to know why a value changed or a function was called? Time travel debugging lets you explore your software in whole new ways that makes you feel like you have super powers.

Sub pages

Getting Started

Test Suites

Bug Reports

Reference Guide

Teams & Admin